Amidst a new era of crime dramas and sci-fi, Netflix re-released a 2006 series which really does seem like a lifetime away from the world we live in today. This extraordinary take on crime drama had me hooked from start to finish with its archaic characters and iconic soundtrack, transporting you from modern day to the somewhat estranged life of 1973.
As a fashion and beauty orientated magazine, often referred to as “the fashion bible”, Vogue has always been one step ahead of the curve, setting trends and standards as a highly respected publication for around 120 years. The task that Vogue has taken upon itself is not merely limited to reporting the new fads, phases, and fashions, they also must incorporate the changes in society by choosing brands and designers that reflect their inclusive agenda. This begs the question of whether Vogue’s timeless logo still holds its integrity, despite changes within the fashion industry.
As season 6 of ‘This is Us’ comes to a close, our love for the male cast within this series only grows in the final episodes as Rebecca Pearson is finally reunited with her husband who died from a heart attack following a house fire.
For anyone in the UK, it is hard to have missed the iconic scenes of Glastonbury festival, aired on BBC and hosted by the legendary Michael Eavis. From well-known acts such as Coldplay, Paul McCartney and Sam Fender to the secret sets of Paolo Nutini, the magic of ‘Glasto’ has millions grappling for tickets every year, with a whopping 2.4 million registering for the 50th anniversary year.
As we move towards the end of 2020, it will come as no surprise that the most googled word of this year was of course, Coronavirus[[1]](applewebdata://9FA743B0-6332-47FE-B9EA-66063B7DB484#_ftn1). This virulent predator has seen to drastic changes for institutions all over the world, as they have come to terms with the “new normal”. The education sector in particular, has had to majorly adapt to COVID-19 government guidelines. While we were clapping for our key workers and praying for the swift departure of the virus, schools and universities stood fast against their own viral front lines, as the unsung heroes of 2020.
As we are finally returning to a form of normality following the pandemic, with student events having been delayed, the time has finally come for many to attend their graduation ceremonies. Therefore, it will come as no surprise that the topic of dress code is trending at +200%, as students are searching for the perfect outfit to debut for these long awaited occasions. With particular focus on women, choosing the perfect graduation outfit is not without its dilemmas. Therefore, I decided to explore the choices behind this significant day and the impact that fast fashion has had upon the female student’s wardrobe.
Corona Virus has proved to be an extremely virulent presence among industries, as both established brands and independent shops are facing drastic changes to the way in which they function. As an increasingly trendy part of the publishing sector, the Independent Bookshop’s had seen a growth in the number of stores between 2017 and 2019—from 869 to 890 stores in the UK and Ireland. However, the pandemic, which resulted in several lock downs, saw to many of these independents fearing closure or having to adapt to the “new normal”.