As we are finally returning to a form of normality following the pandemic, with student events having been delayed, the time has finally come for many to attend their graduation ceremonies. Therefore, it will come as no surprise that the topic of dress code is trending at +200%, as students are searching for the perfect outfit to debut for these long awaited occasions. With particular focus on women, choosing the perfect graduation outfit is not without its dilemmas. Therefore, I decided to explore the choices behind this significant day and the impact that fast fashion has had upon the female student’s wardrobe.
Fast fashion is the term that commonly describes the process of rapidly producing high volumes of cheap and trendy clothing, that resemble runway or celebrity styles. The consumer is able to get their hands on an item of clothing relatively quickly, and then will only wear this a few times before it is discarded. Fast fashion is said to have become more common due to cheaper, faster manufacturing and shipping, an increase in the consumers ‘up to date’ appetite and an increase in purchasing power. The nature of fast fashion can certainly be seen between younger people, whose access to clothing apps, social media, and disposable income, has made this feasible. Therefore, with ever changing and expanding trends, women may almost feel forced to remain up to date with their fashion choices, creating an extreme supply and demand for fast fashion and easily accessible outfits.
Compared to a time when magazines and television were the force of influence for consumer fashion choices, the growing presence of social media and the digital world has changed the way in which we choose to digest fashion. This is particularly prominent in the establishment of influencers and their platforms, such as youtuber Olivia O’neil or celebrities who document every inch of their life through Instagram stories. Social media influencers are now considered to be experts in impacting what becomes a fashion trend, with their ability to influence consumer purchasing decisions, and sell a product through their popularity, attractiveness and viewers trust. In this instance, the way that brands are using influencers to market their products and fashion, has made marketing more attainable and hence forth, trends are more easily formed for consumers to adopt. Apps such as Tik Tok and Instagram are the prime culprits for intrusive marketing, where consumers could view thousands of videos per minute if they chose to. There is also more choice available to consumers, who are constantly receiving tailored content, where multiple ranges of the same item of clothing may be pushed, therefore encouraging the demand for fast fashion.
When talking to students who were approaching graduation, I asked them what they were looking for in the outfits that they were purchasing. The common consensus was for something that was stylish, made of quality material, appeared high end and that would make them feel confident. As the students wanted fashion pieces that appeared high quality and high end, this begged the question: where could such garments be found?
The responses varied, depending on whether their purchases were last minute, or more thought through. As expected, fast fashion apps such as ASOS were popular among students who needed an item last minute as the delivery times and ease of use of the app was beneficial and convenient. Students said that the ‘next day delivery’ feature appealed to them as they often left buying until the last minute and you could rely on your purchase being delivered on time 9 out of 10 times, compared to other platforms that were subject to the sender’s discretion. However, brands such as Free people were also mentioned due to the quality of their clothing ranges, despite being slightly pricier. As a result, one of the most popular platforms to shop from was Depop.
Depop is an online global market place, where the community buys, sells and connects to make fashion more inclusive, diverse and less wasteful. Buyers are able to browse through a diverse collection of styles and brands which have been uploaded to the site by a multitude of small companies or even your ordinary ‘Joe Blogs’, who wishes to sell their slightly worn vintage sweater. The benefit of Depop is that it simultaneously encourages sustainability while the majority of items sold on the platform are placed at a more affordable price. Students found that Depop was extremely appealing to shop from as you could find rarer pieces, more choice and you could get a better look at how the clothing looked on people. Sites such as Depop were shopped from on a monthly basis, whereas more upmarket or expensive retailers or fast fashion brands were used a few times a year.
A recently trending alternative to fast fashion and second-hand online marketplaces, is renting sites. Some of the best sites which you can hire a dress from include By Rotation, Rotaro and Hurr. Renting sites offer the consumers the ability to wear a designer statement piece without the price tag, fear of only wearing once and turning up in the same ensemble as someone else, which was deemed popular as renting was more viable for being eco and students didn’t want to re-wear something that they had already been seen to have worn for such a monumental occasion.
The necessity for these female students to remain original with their fashion choices is intriguing, as contrary to popular belief that younger generations are the most environmentally conscious, authenticity remained a priority. Although the students felt that there was not as much of a significant pressure to remain ‘trendy’ since school, they did highlight the fact that there were elements of “crowd mentality” where you were still discovering who you wanted to be, and who was deemed “cool” was defined by the fashion choices that you made. Since feeling more adult in University situations, they felt that due to the friends that you make—who may be more similar to you, or enjoy the same things—you are able to enjoy others differences and there isn’t as much pressure to conform to certain styles. However, the reasons for the need to remain up to date with fashion statements originated from the way that society pitted girls against one another.
“Society pits women against each other for (male) attention, so naturally, it is easier for women to support fast fashion as they are told to constantly stay up to date and look good”
The incentive to use fast fashion brands seemed to stem from a need to assert a level of image or stature, where fashion defines a woman or allows her to stand apart to attract friends and or a partner. Compared to a man who may acquire one nice suit and wear it to events, women may feel that they have to make this statement every time that they go out—always chasing the feeling of how stunning and powerful a new dress made them feel.